
Leagues & TournamentsLocationsSignup

Seeking Spring 2024 referees and umpires.

Summer 19 Wednesday Coed Softball League @ South Park

  • Sport: Softball
  • Format: Coed
  • Locations: Brentwood Park, Pleasant Hills, [+] more
  • Days of the week: Monday, Wednesday
  • Started on : Started on Wednesday, June 12
  • Dates: 6.12, 6.26, 7.8, 7.10, 7.24, 7.29, 7.31, 8.7, 8.14, 8.21, 8.28, 9.4, 9.11
  • Times: 5:45 PM, 6:00 PM, 6:30 PM, 6:45 PM, 7:00 PM, 7:30 PM, 7:45 PM, 8:00 PM, 8:30 PM, 9:00 PM

Signup Deadline: Wednesday, June 12

-Team Registration
*$49.92 per player during Priority Registration for standard roster
*$58.25 per player during Regular Registration for standard roster
*Standard roster: 12 players
*Extra Player Fee= $10 per player for more than 12 players on roster

-Individual Registration
*$54 per Player during Priority Registration
*$59 per player during Regular Registration
*Individuals are placed on a team with other individuals or similar skill levels.

6 Weeks regular season
1-2 Weeks of playoffs
All teams make playoffs
Prize for winning team
7 Innings or 55 min game times
6 guys/4 girls on field
Can only bat 3 more guys than girls in lineup
ASA approved bats only
Paid umps and balls provided
Signing up as individuals? Minimum 12 person roster

* 2 available same day rain outs. More than 2 rain outs and we will schedule double headers, move game day/location, or shorten season as needed.

Signing up as an individual? Great! Indie teams are formed based on supply and demand and therefore require flexibility for placement. Give us 3 choices of when/where you can play and there is a 95% successful placement rate - or a refund if we cannot. If you are a guy, you need to be flexible for coed or men's. If you are a gal, you need to be flexible for coed or women's.

NOTE: YOU MUST list 2nd and 3rd options (if available) in case this first choice doesn't work out. You will be asked for options when you click to register. You can even list an alternate sport if you like - the goal is to get you playing! - but listing an alternate sport or skill level is not a requirement. If you can only play in this program, we recommend that you put a full team together. If you don't list alternate choices, we will place you in the next available same sport/format/skill level and there are no refunds.

  • Wed Coed Rec

    • Level: Recreational
    • Gender: Co-ed
    • Age: 19 and Up
    • Team
      • Status: Closed
      • Cost: $699.00
      • Team
    • Individual